Video File Storage

Hello, my friend and future millionaire. 

Welcome to this episode of The Money Wheel. 

My name is Kris Hutchinson.

So in the last episode, we talked about editing our videos.

Now that we’ve got them edited, you might be wondering: ‘where do we put them online?’. 

Or you might just say, ‘oh, well, I’ve got a website, I’ll just post them there’. 

I don’t really recommend doing that. 

Hosting video takes up a lot of your website’s resources.

It’s a lot of processing power, and a lot of your CPU usage is going to be going into just displaying that video for one user.

If you have multiple users on your website at the same time, that’s going to eat up all of your resources.

This will mean that your performance is going to go down. 

The quality is going to be crappy, there’s going to be a lot of video lag going on, as it is just eating up resources from your host.

You can pay for more resources from your host, but then that gets a little bit more expensive, especially when there are other options available online.

The biggest video host online right now is YouTube, so that is one of the options that you have.

You can create a YouTube channel for your brand and upload them there. 

Make sure you set them to private so that way people who are browsing on YouTube aren’t going to find your paid videos for free. 

From there, you can then embed them onto your webpage.

When you embed it, what you do is, you take the YouTube code and you’re actually posting that on your website.

When people go to your website, that little code shows up and it grabs the video from YouTube and pulls it onto your site.

So it looks like it’s actually playing it right there on your website. 

So YouTube is definitely an option that you have. 

Another option, the one that we use, is a service called Vimeo. 

Vimeo is a video hosting company, and it’s more set up for businesses, especially for what we have.

It gives you better privacy controls, but also lets you change the user experience. 

You can have the video show up and you can have your logo in the corner or you could have the title display. 

It also gives you other information that you can play with that you can then customize for each video or for a group of videos.

You can have it set where they don’t have the option to pause it, it’ll just auto play or they won’t have the scroll bar.

This way they have to sit and watch the video in its entirety; they’re not going to be able to skip around. 

Having tools like that is great, especially for promotional videos. 

For example, if you have a video sales letter on your website, in your funnel, that you want them to watch the whole thing, and you don’t want them to be able to skip ahead to the end to see what the price is.

This is a great way to make sure that they get that full presentation. 

I think Vimeo is a great resource for that. 

We have a link to Vimeo over on our resource page: 

Now you’ve got your videos edited. 

You’ve got them uploaded to either Vimeo or YouTube, whichever one you’re more comfortable with when you’re creating your website. 

Then all you need to do is link them, use the embed code. 

If you’re using a software like ClickFunnels, it’s super simple. 

It just says, ‘here’s the link for the Vimeo video’.

You just put that link in right there and it automatically embeds it for you. 

So these services are already configured with a lot of the most popular platforms out there, whether it’s Website Builders, ClickFunnels, things like. 

They make it super easy to use your videos all over your webpages, wherever you need to put them.

That’s everything I’ve got for today on The Money Wheel.