Journaling for now and then
Hello, my friend and future millionaire.
Over the last couple of emails we’ve covered managing some of your time and building a couple of different teams to help change your lifestyle.
Here’s the next step I want you to take.
I want you to make sure that you’re keeping some kind of an accountability journal and there’s a couple of reasons we do this.
The first reason is this: three months from now, you’re not going to remember the big changes that you made to get where you are.
It’s just the way things happen.
When I look back over my business the last couple of years, and I read through the journal that I wrote, there are things in there I don’t even remember happening until I read them.
Now you can keep this as a recording or something on your computer, or you can do it the old fashioned way with pen and paper; whatever works for you.
But here’s the one big key that I want to point out to you.
The reason we’re doing this, let’s say you build a multimillion dollar business and you want to be able to coach people on how to build the same kind of business that you built.
Now you have the groundwork of how you built yours.
Back when I was getting started in real estate, a close friend and coach I had at the time, said to me, “Don, I want you to journal this system that you put together, because if it works the way you think it will, you’re going to have a multimillion dollar business and you’re going to want to be able to coach people to run that business. It’s going to be your next stream of income.”
Well my real estate business did 71 deals in three years, and the best we ever did, we bought over a million dollars worth of property in 112 days just starting out.
My mentor was absolutely right about journaling the whole thing and turning it into a sellable product to be able to teach other people how to do real estate deals the same way.
Now I’ll be honest with you, to date, I don’t have that real estate program put together and here’s why: I couldn’t find anybody to help me at the time.
So I created a team of people to help me put digital products together, and I knew there were other people out there that needed the same kind of help.
That’s how I got into helping people build online businesses instead of focusing only on the real estate business.
Note that I still do some real estate coaching, and run some real estate deals, but I’m currently more focused on building online business.
But when it comes down to what business you build, whether it be a brick-and-mortar or online store, whatever the situation is, if you dictate everything in a journal, you always have the option to be able to put together your own training course and sell the system that you used to make your million dollar road map.